Contributing to Chrimera Labs
How to Contribute to Chrimera Labs
Contributing to the Chrimera Labs repository helps improve and expand the platform. Whether you're fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, your efforts are valuable to our community. Follow this guide to contribute effectively.
1. Get Started
Visit the Chrimera Labs repository on GitHub:
Fork the repository to your GitHub account by clicking the Fork button in the top-right corner.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
2. Set Up the Project Locally
Ensure you meet the technical requirements outlined in the documentation.
Install the required dependencies:
Run the project locally to verify everything works:
3. Choose a Contribution Area
Select how you want to contribute:
Bug Fixes: Look for issues tagged "bug" in the GitHub Issues tab.
New Features: Find issues labeled "feature request" or propose your own by opening a GitHub issue.
Documentation: Improve guides, add examples, or clarify existing documentation.
4. Work on Your Contribution
Create a new branch for your changes:
Make your changes while following the project's coding style and best practices.
Test your changes locally to ensure everything functions correctly.
5. Submit Your Contribution
Stage and commit your changes:
Push your branch to your forked repository:
Open a Pull Request (PR) to the main branch of the Chrimera Labs repository.
Provide a clear and detailed description of your changes.
Reference any related issue numbers.
6. Respond to Feedback
Collaborate with maintainers and other contributors to refine your PR.
Make any requested updates and push them to your branch:
Once approved, your PR will be merged into the main project.
7. Contribution Guidelines
Ensure all code changes are well-documented and tested.
Follow best practices for clean, maintainable code.
Respect the Code of Conduct when interacting with the community.
We appreciate your contributions to Chrimera Labs and look forward to building the future of AI-driven web agents together!
Last updated